Psychologist | Anxiety Coach

Anxiety Can Be Lonely.

Let Me Help.



As Featured In...

I help people end the vicious cycles of anxiety so that they can REGAIN CONTROL and live life on their own terms again



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There are 4 types of relationships - 3 of them keep you stuck. Discover your relationship type with anxiety


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A full checklist of common and not-so-common symptoms of anxiety so that you can feel more confident about anxiety


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Who Is The Unstuck Initiative?



An Online Platform Created By Clinical Psychologist | Anxiety Coach, Diante Fuchs, Supporting Women To Find Their Passion, Confidence and Power - A Life Beyond Anxiety. 



More About Diante


I don't think I would be at a higher level of confidence and self-esteem if I didn't have Diante guiding me through the bouts of anxiety that caused a lot of uncertainty, fear, and self-limiting beliefs.

Every session resulted in a breakthrough, and a greater sense of knowledge as to how to identify, localize and resolve the issues at hand.



Ruth M.

The Book Will be Released 2024... 

Find out more about the tried and tested 4 step E.A.S.E. Approach and how to apply it in your life...

Click Here To Find Out More About The Book

What's Happening on The Blog?


The Recipe for Empowered Acceptance: Transforming Your Relationship...

The Art of Empowered Acceptance: Changing Your Response to Anxiety

Breaking Free from Anxiety: Understanding Your Response Type